Trainings May 2022

During two weeks we were traveling between Lilongwe, Balaka, Ulongwe, Zomba and Blantyre. We met leaders in organizations, churches, and businesses. Here are some inspiring recordings.


Markus Reichenbach

For change to happen, it starts from within. Transformation has to deal with our heart.


Spirit of the institute

Markus Gyger

The word of God is the foundation of everything. Walking together from different cultures can help us serve each other into the kingdom of God. As such, we are the institute, to serve one another and to work with God.

the spirit of the institute

Change and Difference

Markus Reichenbach

People want to change the world, but before that, the need to change oneself is important. The world should not limit us, we all need to believe that we can do it.

Change and Difference

Breaking shame

Dorothea Gyger

Shame comes from a lot of things said or surrounding us. But where does it really come from? Shame starts in childhood, and it is passed down to the generations. Shame comes from a feeling of abundant.

Breaking Shame


Decent Levson

From a biblical concept, entrepreneurship is an act of buying and selling of goods and services as an act of worship. To reveal God's character, to serve the customers.


Business in God's way

Markus Reichenbach

Adding value to people, that is what business is all about. With spiritual eyes we are able to see a lot, as such overcome physical eyes.

Business in Gods way

Serving People Through Business

Pyoka Tembo

Business is the platform outreach for Jesus

Serving People Through Business

Scaling the wall

Markus Gyger

One morning, while working in Lilongwe, i came across this verse in Psalm 18, written by king David according to the New International Version: "With my God, I can scale a wall". It was the first time I read it like that. I was used to the verse being translated that way: "With my God, I can jump over walls". As a stair builder, I started to dig deeper.
Some problems, we can jump, but most of them we better scale them. As sons and daughters of God, we are called to be problem solvers.

Scaling the wall

Our Work is Worship

Markus Reichenbach

Our Work is Worship

The Unconventional Way


The worst kind of prison you can think of is the spiritual prison.

The Unconventional Way

The Identity of God's Children

Markus Gyger

In the beginning, there is always God's grace toward us. He loves us unconditionally. When we invest ourselves in the kingdom of God, we do so not to please him, but because we are beloved sons and daughters, undeservedly empowered by him to change the world in his ways.

The Identity of God's Children