If you have any question about King's, this website, or anything else, you are warmly welcome to contact us!

Contact Addresses

King's Institute for Transformation
King's Real Estate Ltd

African Unity Drive
Area 13/91
Lilongwe, Malawi

Pyoka Tembo
+265 999 55 24 44

Asante Masanche
+265 992 14 72 35

Bank Account Malawi

Ecobank, City Centre Branch Lilongwe
Beneficiary: Kings Real Estate Limited, Area 13/91, Lilongwe
MWK Account Beneficiary: 5460000000025

Bank Account Switzerland

Raiffeisenbank Steffisburg
Höchhusweg 4
3612 Steffisburg
IBAN: CH81 8081 7000 0049 0571 7
Stiftung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Arbeitszweig King's Training
Winterhaldestrasse 12
3627 Heimberg